forgot to add, operating on Red Hat 7.1

Phantom wrote:

> Hello to my php friends!
> I am trying to compile PHP with: ---enable-trans-sid
> But when i test out pages, the only time a real session is propagated 
> between pages is when i included the <?=SID?> in the URL's (AND THIS 
> BUT, If I remove that PHP sniplet, the session restarts on every PHP 
> page I load.  The PHP manuel specifically says that transparent ID 
> enabled eliminates the need to do that.  Does anyone know what is 
> going on by chance?
> Does anyone have some insight as to why my transparent ID is not being 
> passed between pages?  Thank you.
> my source files are:
> (1) php-4.1.1.tar.gz (2) mysql_3.23.46.tar.gz and (3) apache_1.3.22.tar.Z
> my whole compile command is:
> ./configure --with-mysql --with-apacher=../apache_1.3.24 
> --enable-track-vars --enable-trans-sid --with-imap --with-kerberos 
> --with-imap-ssl
> in php.ini, i have:
> session.use_trans_sid = 1
> when i check my config logs, it  says:
> checking wether to enable transparent session id propagation . . . . yes

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