
On 11/25/2002 10:34 PM, Axis Computers wrote:
I am developing a demo of an application which uses barcodes, but I'm
running into the following problems:

1. The gd library's compiled with SuSE 7.3 Pro version of  PHP 4.06 doesn't
support TTF so I have to install Postcript fonts (it does support Type 1),
and I really don't know where I should install them and which barcode font
is better to use.

2. My application runs under a PostNuke enabled site so I can't just
recompile the gd library and php to make TTF available, I'm afraid it will
mess up a whole working system !

3. The barcode will be printed over an image gif ? jpeg ? which ones works
better ?

Since this my first app with barcode, any advise from seasoned users it's
very welcome.
You may want to try these solutions:



Manuel Lemos

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