you dont have output buffering on, check php.ini or add it manually to an


  Chris Lee

"J.F.Kishor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hello,
> I'am trying to create an image using php image functions
> it gives a warning and outputs a image with GIF87a format, why does
> this happen, could some help me out in this problem.
> This is the script
> ------------------
> <?
>     Header("Content-type: image/gif");
>     $string=implode($argv," ");
>     $im = imagecreatefromgif("images/Next.gif");
>     $orange = ImageColorAllocate($im, 220, 210, 60);
>     $px = (imagesx($im)-7.5*strlen($string))/2;
>     ImageString($im,3,$px,9,$string,$orange);
>     ImageGif($im);
>     imagecolortransparent($im);
>     ImageDestroy($im);
> ?>
> Warning alerted is
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by
> (output started at /home/kuruvi1/kishor/public_html/GD/creatingIMG.php:2)
> /home/kuruvi1/kishor/public_html/GD/creatingIMG.php on line 4
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Junk output is
> ---------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> GIF87a9CU_11EraalUYIAAf11__O<99 @ ` @\*6Z>@<6#%,9I#< A"A CI"ACA E#YU ( @
> a#",EX(R X#Y"*(B H#I3> " EC< A []
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks for sparing time for this mail
> with regards
>                  -JFK

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