Yeah, I got these kind of warning when I set error_reporting(E_ALL);

  Anyway, this shouls do it:

if (isset($x)) {
    echo $x;

// You could even do this:
if (isset($x)) {
    if  ($x) {
        echo $x;

// But I guess it would be redundant :-)

  The point is when you get 'non defined var', just define it before, even
empty (i.e, $x = '') or check it with isset();..


  Julio Nobrega.

Um dia eu chego lá:

"Harald Witt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have a hopefully simple problem. Look at the following simple script:
> <?php
>   if  ($x) {
>     echo $x;
>   }
> ?>
> This script runs properly on my productive system (Linux, Apache, PHP
> 4.0.3pl1). But on my Development-System (W2k Server, Apache 1.3.20, PHP
4.0.6) I
> always get a Warning, that variable x in not definded.
> Ok, thats true. But how can I suppress that Messages??? They destroy my
> HTML-Code. I've searched in the PHP.INI file, but I can't find anything,
> looks like warning-suppression.
> Thanx for your help
> Harald
> --
> GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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