AFAIK, there is no unix app for using Access databases. You could try WINE 
or some sort of virtual desktop running Windows and use Access through 
that, but that would probably be even less stable than Windows itself. 

Running Windows 2000 with service pack 2 for the db server should probably 
be stable enough, anyways. I've been using it for a few months and although 
I'm no Windows fan, at least it hasn't died on me yet.


Tom Mikulecky wrote:

> Hello
> I have to interface an MSAccess database and Apache server on a linux
> box thru PHP. The only way I found to do that is to use ODBC with some
> specific drivers (I tried Openlink). This solution needs sort of server
> running on a Windows station, it serves requests to the Access database
> file.
> The problem is that I would like to do this WITHOUT any Windows station,
> to achieve good reliability (we can't have a Windows station running
> just for that). Also the database can't be ported to any other format
> because there are some programs written in VB-Access that need it as is.
> So what I need is sort of sql driver for accessing mdb files on a
> unix/linux box. Does-it exist? I searched a lot on the web but with no
> succes.
> Any suggestions are welcome
> Thanx in advance
> Some details:
> - The Access database file (mdb) is located on a Unix box in a shared
> folder
> Tom

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