Wild Hypothesis:

If all else fails, it may be possible to create a bunch of one-page PDF
files, and then concatenate them with some external weapon...

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----- Original Message -----
From: Marcin Floryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 9:44 AM
Subject: PHP 4.0.6 + Oracle9i + CPDF lib - large file problem (segmentation

> Hello!
> I have a problem with my php script. I am creating a report in PDF based
> data in the Oracle9i database. To access Oracle I use OCI and to create
> files I use ClibPDF 2.02.
> The problem is with the ammount of data - there are currently some 2000
> records and are expected to be some 12000. This means that the output
> has now 100 pages and may have much more (up to, say, 500).
> With that ammount of data I naturally create the PDF as a file (not in
> memory). As a result the file seems to be created properly but the output
> from PHP script (which is simply the link to the created file) does not
> appear. The browser displays an error message and in my httpd error_log I
> get:
> [Wed Sep 19 14:12:25 2001] [notice] child pid 14090 exit signal
> fault (11)
> Have any Ideas? What is the sorce of the problem. It doesn't appear if I
> limit the number of selected records.
> I have already done the following:
> * Set cpdf global limits to satisfy my needs:
>    cpdf_global_set_document_limits(500,5,1,5,2);
> * Open pdf document as a file
>    $PDF = cpdf_open(1,$file);
> * Finalize each page (what cost me not having the total number of pages
> printed on each page)
>   cpdf_finalize_page ($GLOBALS[PDF], $pages-1);
> Any thing more I could do? Unfortunatelly there is no PHP error shown or
> logged.
> Best regards.
> Marcin Floryan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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