
sounds like you should use
$_GET['your_variable'] and $_POST['your_variable'] instead of $your_variable


Shane schrieb:

> Greetings gang.
> You know me, I never ask for help if I haven't checked all my other options, but 
>this is day two, and I'm getting spanked on this one.
> Some recently moved scripts from a WIN2K server running PHP 4.2.1 to an Apache PHP 
>4.2.3 setup have stop accepting HTML Form Variables.
> I can pass variables till I am blue in the face, even see them in the URL but they 
>are still showing up as (!isset)
> My ISP (Whom is using Virtual Directories) has no solution, and I have tried every 
>code variation I could think of to troubleshoot it. This code has been working fine 
>for Months on the WIN2K box, but just doesn't pass a var on the Linux solution.
> Can any Server pros out there possibly throw me a bone? My deadline is looming. :^)
> As always, a million thanks in advance.
> Yours truly.
> -NorthBayShane

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