> $style_1  = preg_replace('/\[url\]/', "index.php?catID=$category_id",
> $style_1  = preg_replace('/\[title\]/', "$category_name", $style_1);

Why use preg at all?

http://php.net/str_replace will do it faster/easier...

Like Music?  http://l-i-e.com/artists.htm
I'm looking for a PRO QUALITY two-input sound card supported by Linux (any
major distro).  Need to record live events (mixed already) to stereo
CD-quality.  Soundcard Recommendations?
Software to handle the recording? Don't need fancy mixer stuff.  Zero (0)
post-production time.  Just raw PCM/WAV/AIFF 16+ bit, 44.1KHz, Stereo

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