>I had made a test.txt file which stored in the following window path :
>In my page, i ask php to check the test.txt exist in foler
>(c:\pdf_reports\dealing) using the following script:
>if (file_exists("c:\\pdf_reports\\dealing\\test.txt"))
>    {
>    print ("exist");
>    }
>    {
>    print ("Doesn't Exist!");
>    }
>It seems that php can't detect the file in such path!!!
>I had made another test on this, i moved the test.txt to one level up which
>is (c:\pdf_reports) and i use the following script :
>if (file_exists("c:\\pdf_reports\\test.txt"))
>    {
>    print ("exist");
>    }
>    {
>    print ("Doesn't Exist!");
>    }
>Then it can detect the file is there! why?

What are the exact error messages you get when it's "not there"?

Which version of Windoze?  Is it one of the ones where you actually have
some kind of control over user priveleges on reading/writing directories and
files?  What permissions are on 'dealing'?

Is 'dealing' really 'dealing' or is it 'Dealing', or maybe 'DEALING' or even
'DeAlInG'? :-)  I don't think PHP can force Windows to be case-sensitive,

Also try it with just c:/pdf_reports/dealing/test.txt  All those \\ and
Windoze crap is ugly anyway. :-)

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