sounds like php is having a problem resolving the dns. could be 1 of a 100
things ...

try putting the IP of the machine in vs the domain name.


  Chris Lee

"Martin Leclair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have a problem doing a fopen("http://..../index.php","r";) on a
> server it's extreamly slow (about 2 minutes to get the content of a
> on a server that pings at 1ms) on another server it's getting the content
> less than 5 seconds (same script). Same URL, servers are side to side on
> same network, almost same hardware, uptime is fine. The server that causes
> problem is with 4.0.6.
> Would someone have some hints on what could cause it to work on one server
> and take more than 2 minutes on the other?
> Martin

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