Hmm.. I have a page where I can upload up to 9 files at once -- and it 
works quite well..

However, these are just standard JPG pictures, and wouldn't get anywhere 
near 3M -- maybe its the way that PHP scripts time out after 30 seconds??


Sascha Braun wrote:
> Hi freaks,
> my image library isn't still finished yet, but it's running and with a
> running system are comming new problems up.
> I remember that there was a discussion about big file uploads.
> It seems, that i stepped into the same trap, 'cause my web-
> server doesn't accept more than two uploads each upload
> session. I wrote a script which should make it possible to
> upload 10 files at a time. The files are up to 3 MB each so
> I had to set up the upload_max_filesize in php.ini to an 
> amount of 50 MB Data. But it seems, that there still can
> be uploaded about 5 or 6 MB in two files at a time.
> Would be nice if somebody could tell me about made
> experiences.
> Thank you very much.
> Sascha Braun

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