Referer page ($HTTP_REFERER), current page (REQUEST_URI), ip
($X_FORWARDED_FOR or $REMOTE_ADDR), host ($HTTP_HOST), time (date() or
database's NOW()), username (if you have somekind of authentication), the
operating system and browser (from $HTTP_USER_AGENT or similars).

  These are the ones I log, if I recall correctly :-)


Julio Nobrega.

Um dia eu chego lá:

Ajudei? Salvei? Que tal um presentinho?

"Martin Clifford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Hello again everyone...

Well, I did create that "visitor log" file for my page, and it's working
great, so thanks to all of you that helped me out yesterday!  I've been
looking and looking and looking through the PHP manual (which for a newbie
is very hard to navigate), and I've only come up with a couple of variables
that I can use to store information about visitors.


And then also the time formatted the way I want it to be.  What are some of
the other good variables that are commonly used for site access logs, ala
"Referred by" and that kind of thing.  Thanks!

Please CC me, I'm on digest.


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