Great work scot!

"Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> i wrote a little subroutine to make a directory full of
> images into thumbnails...
> it'll make thumbnail images of a specified height and width
> and properly resize the original image to preserve the
> height to width ratio.
> the syntax of make_thumbs() is this:
> make_thumbs($imagedir, $thumbsdir, $size, $quality, $border);
>   imagedir = original images are in this dir
>   thumbsdir = thumbnails will be saved in this dir
>   size = height and width for the generated thumbnails
>   quality = quality of JPG output: worst(0..100)best
>   border = how thick of a border to put around the image.
> to see some samples of thumbnails that it's created,
> and get the code, go here:

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