
David McInnis wrote:
> I am looking for an extension / class that allow me to create and modify
> XML documents within PHP.  I looked at the xml extensions packaged with
> PHP and it looks like these are used only for parsing XML.
> In addition to parsing the XML, I need to be able to add / edit and
> insert nodes.  Best example I can give is an order.  I would need to
> create an order and then insert / edit and delete line items of that
> order.
> Can someone point me in the write direction?

I have written a XML parser and a XML writer classes. The XML parser 
class builds the XML document structure in a single array. You can take 
that structure and store in the a XML writer class object

The XML writer does not yes have functions to insert or delete XML 
nodes, but you can use it to directly alter or append new XML nodes, if 
that is enough for you purposes.

You may find those classes here:



Manuel Lemos

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