Peter Frlicka wrote:
> Hello.
> What does apache + php do if the user refreshes a page 10 times in a while
> before the scripts finishes? do all 10 .php scripts finish or do the first 9
> get aborted? how can i solve the problem that when someone clicks a lot on a
> link (always the same link) the server gets overloaded (because the action
> taken in the script is somehow memory consuming). i need to ensure a user
> (www) can run only one instance of a .php script.
> Peter Frlicka


I'm worried about why the user is clicking so much.  If your connection/processing 
really is going
to take a long time you could consider sending them the first bit of your page as 
quickly as
possible using "flush()".  That will take away any buttons/links they've clicked on 
(but not
Refresh), and at least make them feel something is happening!

However multiple clicking is a general problem with no great solutions.  It's a 
important issue for  on-line E-commerce applications when it is not only vital that 
the php script
complete but also that it should not be repeated.   For that you almost have to use a 
database to
record "transactions" (or at least the session variables which identify a 
I typically do the following : 

1. set ignore_user_abort

2. check to see if we have a record of this transaction, if we do check to see if it 
is complete. 
If it's complete
take them to a results/end page, if it's not complete take them to a holding page with 
an automatic
the same url.

3. if we have no record of the transaction, create one, do the work, mark the 
transaction as
complete and show them the results/end page.

If the user only clicks once, everything proceeds smoothly and they get their results 
page as

If the user clicks two or more times they go to a "holding" page with an automatic 
refresh which
keeps showing the same holding page until the first script completes and the next 
refresh takes them
to the results.

This is basically a safe approach but it's significant work unless you really need it! 


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