If, for example, the protected page you are attempting to access is at:
you can use the following url to bypass the pop up password dialog box:
http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/protected/index.php

Please note that this is a rather insecure method of securing your pages,
but no more insecure than using apache authentication in the first place.


Aaron Lake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

I am using the Nusphere application server with apache user directories.
I have several protected user
directories that are of different realms. When a user logs into the
'secure area'  i would like to send them
to pages contained in a secure directory but pass the encoded user:pass
in the URL as to avoid the pop-up
apache authentication dialogue. Is this possible and how do i achieve


Aaron Lake
Kvaerner Chemetics
A Division of Kvaerner Canada Inc
(604) 730 4206

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