
> Matthew Luchak wrote:
> Recently I have had to defend the use of PHP in light of a number of
> screw-ups with the mail function in 4.0+.  It seems that some email

If you are using Windows, that seems to be a problem that the mail()
function implementation does not handle
SMTP servers that return multi-line responses. The problem was reported
a long time ago. I don't think it was ever fixed.

> addresses will simply "not work" with mail.  I have been shopping
> around for a smtp direct class (
> http://www.zend.com/codex.php?id=347&single=1 ) looks pretty good to
> me and was wondering if anyone has any experiences, shortcuts etc. to
> this kind of problem with mail.

That class does not handle multi-line responses either. Try this one:


Manuel Lemos

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