"Gerard Samuel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>   $query = "SELECT mpn_job.ID, job, assigned_to, status_date, category";
>   $query .= "FROM mpn_job, mpn_job_category WHERE CID =
>                             mpn_job_category.ID";
>   $query .= "AND category = '$category'";
>   $result = mysql_query($query);
>   $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
>   foreach ($row as $data) {
>          echo "$data[0]";
>   }
> I tried the SELECT statement from mysql command line (less $category, I
> used an actual category name) and it works there.  I try it out in php,
> and I get nothing.  (I echoed $category before this and it works
> correctly)  Do you guys see anything in there that may need correcting?

Sure - you need to have an extra space at the
end of each line... right now, it comes out like
... status_date, categoryFROM mpn_job ...
 ... mpn_job_category.IDAND category ...

I often find it useful to echo the query statement
just before using it... it makes mistakes like this
kind of obvious.

Also, if you used
    $result = @mysql_query($query)
        or die("Error querying: ".mysql_error());
you should get more-useful error messages.

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