On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 1:30 PM, Dee Ayy <dee....@gmail.com> wrote:
> The following code:
>                        $new_file = 
> ADS_DIR_INTERNAL.'/'.$ad_info['id'].'_'.$ad_info['filename'];
>                        echo "NEW_FILE:[".$new_file."]\n";
>                        echo "file_exists Using 
> VAR:[".file_exists($new_file)."]\n";
>                        echo "file_exists Using Hard
> Coded:[".file_exists('/home/fx/pads/ads_dir/1_rubik1920x1080lu0.jpg')."]\n";
> Gives this output:
> NEW_FILE:[/home/fx/pads/ads_dir/1_rubik1920x1080lu0.jpg]
> file_exists Using VAR:[]
> file_exists Using Hard Coded:[1]
> Why does it not work when using the variable in file_exists?
> I thought I may need some safe_mode magic, safe_mode_include_dir, or
> disable_functions, but I don't see any restrictions AND why does it
> work when it is hard coded?
> Warning
> This function returns FALSE for files inaccessible due to safe mode
> restrictions. However these files still can be included if they are
> located in safe_mode_include_dir.
> Current logic needs the following functions:
> file_exists
> md5_file
> move_uploaded_file
> Thanks.

>From PHP, exec('whoami') says "www-data", so I created /home/www-data
and chown to www-data.
file_exists with a variable still fails.
Initial and future testing of !file_exists(ADS_DIR_INTERNAL) works to
create the directory only once as intended, however ONLY initial
creation of the file inside the directory works with
Attempting to overwrite an existing file with move_uploaded_file fails.
I then tried exec('mv '.$_FILES['my_file']['tmp_name'].' '.$new_file)
as well as mv -f
which DOES COPY the filename of tmp_name to the correct directory
ADS_DIR_INTERNAL, but keeps the tmp_name filename!  It is not renamed
as a true linux "mv".
I assume it is some protection due to being an uploaded file.

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