Add *ANOTHER* variable in the header("Location:") code that says

In your page3, do:
    $menuID = $foo;
    $menuID = $bar;
Where foo comes from the location, but bar comes from page2.

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----- Original Message -----
From: Chrisy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 5:03 PM
Subject: header(Location:...) is redirect: looking for full link

> hi,
> The long explanation is below the summary.
> page1.php
> Header(location:page2.php)
> page2.php
> HTML link to page3.php
> page3.php
> REFERER=page1.php
> But in page3  i WANT to see page2.php as REFERER.
> So i suppose i must change something in page1. But what?
> i am working on a dynamic menu module for postnuke.
> When a page is called with page.php?menuID=23000 that means the second
> main menu is opened, and of that branch the 3rd subbranch:
> >  MENU1
> V  MENU2
>    * MENU21
>    * MENU22
>    V MENU23
>        * MENU231
>        * MENU232
> > MENU3
> > MENU4
> In effect this means i make the part of the page which makes the menu.
> I can't use a form and i can't use session.
> Now my poroblem is when people follow a link in the menu which in
> itself has subpages, the folllowing links can not be expected to
> always contain the menuID part. In effect the menu would unfortunately
> close.
> Now i did this trick: i would read menuID in the referer and
> Then i would do
>   header ('location:'.thispageURL. '&menuID'. $menuID);
> So:
> 1)    REFERER?menuID=123
> --links-to-->
> 2) page.php?nada=0
> --checks-(finds no menuID so looks it up in
> referer)then-redirects->
> 3) page.php?nada=0&menuID=123
> Works nice up till then. But.....
> Okay, now that page is allright but as header (location) is a
> REDIRECT, the following page does not see the added menuID as it uses
> the URI of step 2).
> help..
> Chris

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