
Have you tried echoing $aFileContents in the same script? Does it 
actually contain anything? You may have a problem with reading from the 
upload file...


Djurovski Dejan wrote:
> I can't upload picture to MySQL database:
> What is wrong with my script:
> I use PHP & MySQL database.
> After submiting form my script says that everything is OK, but in database I
> see that a picture is not uploaded.(date, size, name, type are inputed, but
> data is not!).
> Table:
> CREATE TABLE pictures (
> picture_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
> name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
> date datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
> pic_data mediumblob NOT NULL,
> pic_size int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
> pic_type varchar(30) NOT NULL,
> PRIMARY KEY (picture_id)
> );
> My PHP page:
> <?php
> include_once("db_mysql.php");
> class pictures_db extends DB_Sql
> {
> var $Host="localhost";
> var $Database="sajt";
> var $User="root";
> var $Password="";
> }
> $aErrors=False;
> if (!empty($PicFile_name))
> {
> if ( ($PicFile_type == "image/gif") ||
> ($PicFile_type == "image/pjpeg") ||
> ($PicFile_type == "image/jpeg"))
> {
> $aFile=fopen($PicFile, "rb");
> $aFileContents=addslashes(fread($aFile, filesize($PicFile)));
> fclose($aFile);
> $aDB=new pictures_db();
> $aSQL="select(max(picture_id) + 1) as new_id from pictures";
> $aDB->query($aSQL);
> if ($aDB->next_record() )
> {
> $aNewID=$aDB->f("new_id");
> }
> if(empty($aNewID) == True)
> {
> $aNewID=1;
> }
> $aSQL="insert into pictures (picture_id, name, ".
> "date, pic_data, ";
> $aSQL .="pic_size, pic_type) values ($aNewID, ".
> "'$PicName', ";
> $aSQL .= "NOW(), '$aFileContents', '$PicFile_size', ".
> "'$PicFile_type' )";
> print($aSQL);
> $aDB->query($aSQL);
> if ($aDB->Errno != 0)
> {
> $aErrors = True;
> }
> }
> else
> {
> $aErrors= True;
> }
> }
> else
> {
> $aErrors = True;
> }
> if ($aErrors == False)
> {
> print("OK");
> }
> else
> {
> print("ERROR!!!");
> }
> ?>
>  ---------------------
>  ---------------------
>      Šurovski Dejan

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