Got it...if anyone's interested the code is below :)

/connect to db
$connectionToDBid = odbc_connect("codesnipits", "joecode", "joecode");

// sql statement
$sqlb = "SELECT imagepath FROM IMAGES";

/ run the query and dump into $numberofrecords variable
$row = odbc_do($connectionToDBid, $sqlb);

//  create an array
$myArray = Array();

/ seed random number generator
srand ((float) microtime() * 10000000);

/ loop through each record and dump image paths into array

// grab and assign all image paths to array
$imagepath = odbc_result($row,1);
$myArray[] = $imagepath ;


/ grab a random index from $myArray here
$imagearrayindex = array_rand($myArray);
$randomimage = $myArray[$imagearrayindex];

print "<br><br><br><div align='center'>";
print "<table width='400' border=0 cellpadding=2>" ;
print "<tr><td align='left'>" ;
print  "<font color='#ffffff' face='verdana'><h4>" . "Welcome back " .
$firstname . "</h4></font>";
print "</td></tr>";
print "<tr><td align='center'>" ;
print "<img src='" . $randomimage ."'  align='center' border='0'><br>";
print "</td></tr>";
print "</table>";

"Joe Van Meer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi there. I have s a php page that randomly grabs an image's path from a
> field and displays it on my php page. My problem is that sometimes when I
> refresh the image won't display. So I guess you can say I'm getting
> intermittent images...sometimes it displays and sometimes not. I've
> all of my paths for all of the images and they are all the same. My code
> below.
> Thx,  Joe
> /connect to db
> $connectionToDBid = odbc_connect("codesnipits", "joecode", "joecode");
> // sql statement
> $sqlb = "SELECT image_id FROM IMAGES";
> /run the query and dump into $row variable
> $row = odbc_do($connectionToDBid, $sqlb);
> //  create an array
> $myArray = Array();
> srand ((float) microtime() * 10000000);
> /loop through each record and dump image_ids into array
> while(odbc_fetch_row($row)){
> // grab and assign ids to array
> $imageid = odbc_result($row,1);
> $myArray[] = $imageid ;
> }
> /loop through and print out array values
> foreach ($myArray as $value){
>     print "$value";
> }
> /create $randomimageid  variable here
> $randomimageid = array_rand($myArray,1);
> /create query statement to grab random image path and dump into
variable -->
> randomimage
> $sqlr = "SELECT imagepath FROM IMAGES WHERE image_id = $randomimageid";
> /run the sql statement on the connection made
> $resultset = odbc_do($connectionToDBid, $sqlr);
> /dump into $randomimage here
> $randomimage = odbc_result($resultset, 1);
> /close connection to db
> odbc_close($connectionToDBid);
> print "<br><br><br><div align='center'>";
> print "<table width='400' border=0 cellpadding=2>" ;
> print "<tr><td align='left'>" ;
> print  "<font color='#ffffff' face='verdana'><h4>" . "Welcome back " .
> $firstname . "</h4></font>";
> print "</td></tr>";
> print "<tr><td align='center'>" ;
> print "<img src='$randomimage'  align='center' border='0'><br>";
> print "</td></tr>";
> print "</table>";

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