[PHP] Re: session_id() is not passed to the next page

2011-01-04 Thread Al

On 1/3/2011 11:46 PM, Michelle Konzack wrote:


I am rewriting currently a login script and I encountered a problem with
sessions.  While reading the two pages


I have not found a solution for my problem:

function fncLogin($user, $pass, $redirect, $type='pam') {

   if ($user != '' and $pass != '') {

 $TEXT  = "Error\n";
 $TEXT .= "\n";
 $TEXT .= "The username does not exist or the password is wrong.\n";
 $TEXT .= "\n";
 $TEXT .= "Please goback  and 
try it again.\n";

 if ($type == 'pam') {

   if (pam_auth($user, $pass,&$PAM_ERR) === FALSE) {
 fncError('2', $TEXT, $errpage='false');

 } elseif ($type == 'shadow') {

   $shadow_file = DIR_HOST . "/.shadow";
   if (is_file($shadow_file)) {

 $SHADOW = exec("grep \"^" . $user . ":\" " . DIR_HOST . "/.shadow |cut -d: 
 if (empty($SHADOW)) {

 $SALT=exec("grep \"^$user:\" " . DIR_HOST . "/.shadow |cut -d: -f2 |cut -d$ 
 $ENCRYPTED=crypt($pass, $SALT);
   fncError('2', $TEXT, $errpage='false');

   } else {
 $TEXT  = "Error\n";
 $TEXT .= "\n";
 $TEXT .= "This is a system error. I can not authenticate du to a missing 
 $TEXT .= "\n";
 $TEXT .= "Please inform thesysadmin  and 
try it later again.\n";
 fncError('1', $TEXT, $errpage='false');

 $sess_user= $user;
 $sess_timeout = time() + 900;
 header("Location: " . $redirect);

which call the following page correctly, but the two vars $sess_user and
$sess_timeout are empty.

Can someone please tell me how to do this?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
 Michelle Konzack

Firefox has a great add-on that lets you see the server/client handshaking 
headers httpFox e.g., Cookie:   PHPSESSID=fc310ca5f2c708988bf456f691cc58c2

Thus you can easily see if PHPSESSID is set and returned to the server.

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[PHP] Re: session_id() is not passed to the next page

2011-01-03 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Adam Richardson,

Am 2011-01-04 00:14:30, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> session_register() registers global variables, but you're inside a function.
> Set the session values using this technique instead:
> $_SESSION['sess_timeout'] = time() + 900;

Thanks, I have already tried this and it does not work...

> Adam

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack

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