Hi all, I don't know if this is a PHP related question, but here it is:

I'm developing a PHP / MySQL site, and, in one page the admin of the site has the 
power to add categories to the database in a <input type="text"> field. To check if 
the entry is already set, there is a <select> control with all the entries in the 
database. So, when the admin type the name of the categorie and press the submit 
button, another page load and tell if the insert operation was success or not. Then if 
the entry was add and press the back link ( <a href="" window.history.back();return 
false">[ back ]</a> ) the option in the <select> is not show after the user press the 
reload button. Is there a way that the page reaload automatically the data from the 
database without the user pressing the reload button?  Thanks in advance.

Mauricio Téllez Jiménez
Seguimiento Técnico EDUMEXICO
Zamora No. 25, Col. Centro
C.P. 91000, Xalapa, Ver.
Tel. 52(28)17-86-87, 17-73-80
Fax. 52(28)18-64-13

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