I'm posting this (see below) for two reasons: 1. so that others may benefit, and 2. to 
invite feedback on my code (PHP is the first language I have learned... and I've only 
been doing this for a week or so).

Cheers, Rob

P.S. Has anyone found a good way to parse variables to validate specific formats? For 
example: Canadian postal codes (ZIP codes) are like A1A-1A1. Driver's Licences are 

Unwanted characters are often added by users of web based forms. This causes problems 
when storing the data, especially given the constraints of a database such as MySQL.

Evaluate each variable, character by character, and (if true) add it to a new variable 
which may be used.

  $sHomePhone = supercln("num",$frmHomePhone);
  $sProvince = supercln("alpha",$frmProvince);

// This is the supercln.inc file included in the first section of PHP code.
function supercln($clntype, $clninput) {
  $strcount = strlen($clninput);
  if ($clntype == alpha) {
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $strcount; $i++) {
      $strletter = $clninput{$i-1};
      if ( preg_match("/[A-z]/",$strletter)  == true ) {
        $strcleaned = $strcleaned.$strletter;
  elseif ($clntype == num) {
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $strcount; $i++) {
      $strletter = $clninput{$i-1};
      if ( preg_match("/[0-9]/",$strletter)  == true ) {
        $strcleaned = $strcleaned.$strletter;
  elseif ($clntype == alphanum) {
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $strcount; $i++) {
      $strletter = $clninput{$i-1};
      if ( preg_match("/\w/",$strletter)  == true ) {
        $strcleaned = $strcleaned.$strletter;
  else {
    $strcleaned = "Error... must be either alpha num or alphanum.";
  return $strcleaned;

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