When PHP try to execute a program via exec() or system(), where does it
search for it?
I mean, it sertainly is not MY (foo.php owner) path, because it returns me
  sh: YOUR_PROGRAM: command not found

It seems to be (/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin ) now.
Where can I set this PATH?


Cleber S. Mori
Monitor Lab Linux
2o Ano - Bacharelado em Ciências da Computação
ICMC - Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação
USP - Universidade de São Paulo - São Carlos

HPage:          http://grad.icmc.sc.usp.br/~cleber/
E-mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ/UIN:        1409389

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