Hi all,
       I wrap pecl-memcache into a class used as a sigleton class .
the code is :
       class Mem{

        private static $_instance = null ;//singlton object instance

        private function __construct(){

                        global $config ;
                        $servers = $config['memcached'] ;
                        $mem = new Memcache ;
                        foreach($servers as $server){
$server['port'], intval($server['persistent']) > 0 ? 1 : 0,
intval($server['weight']) > 0 ? intval($server['weight']) : 1 ) ;
                        return $mem ;


        private static function getInstance(){

                        if(self::$_instance === null || !(
self::$_instance instanceof Mem ) ){

                                        self::$_instance = new Mem() ;


                        return true ;


        public static function get($key){

                        self::getInstance() ;
                        return self::$_instance->get(md5(strtolower($key))) ;


        public static function set($key, $value, $ttl=0){
                        self::getInstance() ;
                        $compress = (is_bool($value) || is_int($value)
|| is_float($value)) ? false : MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED ;
self::$_instance->set(md5(strtolower($key)), $value, $compress, $ttl)


        public static function rm($key){
                        self::getInstance() ;
self::$_instance->delete(md5(strtolower($key)),0) ;


and $config['memcached'] is an array contains info about the server .
$config['memcached'] = array('host'=>'localhost', port=11211,
persistent=1,weight=1) ;

when i run this , i got "Segmentation fault" ! I cannot figure out
what's the problem . any commet appreciate .

and i used memcached 1.4.5 , and libevent-1.4.13-1
php 5.2.16

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