how do I send information to a php page from a menu list?

When a user selects an item from the list I would like to be able to send 
"selcategoryid" to faqbycat.php without the use of a submit button.

Is it done by using the onChange event? if so how may this be done?

The code I am using presently is below

    <form action="faqbycat.php">
     <select name="selcategoryid" value="0">
      <option name="selcategoryid" value="0" selected>Select a Category</option>
       //display list of provider names
        while ($myrowcating=MySQL_fetch_array($resultcatdet))
          echo "<option name=\"selcategoryid\" value=\"$faqcatsid\">$faqcats</option>";
         }//while ($myrowadmintitles=MySQL_fetch_array($admintilteresult))
     <input type="Submit" name="selbycat" value="Show FAQ's by Category">

Thanks for your answer,

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