Re: [PHP] how to include a remote file and change relative links to non-relative

2001-07-17 Thread Aral Balkan

I've been working on Hans Anderson's Browser class and I've adapted it to do
what you're looking for. It's not complete but there should be a lot here
for you to go on. Again, I haven't had time to fine tune things at all so
it's a very rough hack right now. Hope it helps.

The dirty on how to use it:


  if ($file_array["errcode"] == 1) {
   $file_text = $file_array["content"];

  // convert relative links to absolute
  $file_text = $browser->translate($file_text, $file);



class Browser {

Class Browser by Hans Anderson.
This code is released under the GPL license.
Modifications by Aral Balkan

  06.22.01 - Added two new methods:

 (1) $string = translate_links($string, $url);

  Translates all relative links in argument $string to
  absolute links using the full URL to the page being
  accessed in the $url argument. Returns the translated

 (2) $string = translate_images($string, $url);

  Translates all relative image links in argument $string to
  absolute links using the full URL to the page being
  accessed in the $url argument. Returns the translated

 Aral Balkan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 function get_url($array) {

  /* defaults (there is no default for 'url' or 'content') */
  $robot_rules = TRUE; /* follow the robots.txt standard */
  $req_mthd = 'GET';
  $protocol = 'HTTP/1.0';
  $user_agent = 'PHP3 Browser';
  $time_out = 10;

  /* for each argument set in the array, overwrite default */
  while(list($k,$v) = each($array)) {

  /* set up the cookies.  If it exists, the straight variable
 will be written above ($$k=$v). */

  if(is_array($cookies)) {
   $cookies2send = '';
   while(list($k,$v) = each($cookies) ) {
$cookies2send .= "Cookie: $k=" . urlencode($v) . "\n";

  return array("content"=>' ',"headers"=>' ',"errcode"=>-1,"errmsg"=>'Fatal
Error: No URL defined');

$parsed_url = parse_url("$url");

  if($robot_rules) {

   $robots_url = $parsed_url["scheme"] . "://" . $parsed_url["host"];
   if($parsed_url["port"]) $robots_url .= ":" . $parsed_url["port"];
   $robots_url .= "/robots.txt";
 return array("content"=>' ',"headers"=>'
',"errcode"=>0,"errmsg"=>"Non-fatal Error: Robot Rules do not permit this
browser to access $url");


   $req_mthd = strtoupper($req_mthd); // 2068 rfc says it's case

  $host = $parsed_url["host"];

  if(!$host || $host=='' || !isset($host))
  array("content"=>' ',"headers"=>' ',"errcode"=>-1,"errmsg"=>'Fatal Error:
No URL defined');

  $path = $parsed_url["path"];
  if(!$path || $path=='' || !isset($path))
  $path = "/";

  $query = $parsed_url["query"];
  $path = "$path?$query";

  if(!isset($parsed_url["port"])) {
   $port = 80;
  } else {
   $port = $parsed_url["port"];

  $timeout = time() + $time_out;

  $fp = fsockopen("$host",$port,$errno,$errstring,$time_out);

 if(!$fp) {
  return array("content"=>' ',"headers"=>'
',"errcode"=>0,"errmsg"=>"Non-Fatal Error: Could not make connection to url
$url (not found in DNS or you are not connected to the Internet)");
 } else {

   set_socket_blocking($fp,1); // aral: set to 1 for it to work on
Windows & Unix

   $REQUEST = "$req_mthd $path $protocol\n";
   if(eregi("^HTTP\/1\.[1-9]",$protocol)) $REQUEST .= "Host: $host\n";
   $REQUEST .= "User-Agent: $user_agent\n";
  if($referer) {
   $REQUEST .= "Referer: $referer\n";
   $REQUEST .= "Connection: close\n";

  if($cookies) {
   $REQUEST .= $cookies2send;

  if($req_mthd=="POST") {
   $REQUEST .= "Content-length: " . (strlen($content)) . "\n";
   $REQUEST .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n";
   $REQUEST .= "\n$content\n";
  fputs($fp,"$REQUEST\n"); // complete the request
#  print "$REQUEST\n";

  if($timeout' ',"headers"=>'
',"errcode"=>0,"errmsg"=>"Non-Fatal Error: Timed out while downloading
  while (!feof($fp) && time()<$timeout) {
  $output = fgets($fp,255);

  $view_output .= $output;

if(!isset($header)) {
   if($output=="\n" || $output == "\r\n" || $output == "\n\l") {
  $header = $view_output;
 $view_output = '';




n-Fatal Error: Timed out while downloading page");


} // end function get_url

/* * */

function get_headers($h) {
  $array = exp

[PHP] how to include a remote file and change relative links to non-relative

2001-07-17 Thread Brett

I am trying to create a page that will get a remote file and email it to me.  All 
works fine using several different methods (include,file,fread) only relative links 
for images and links get my server address instead of the actual address the images 
should be retrieved from.

Is there a way I can get the remote file and make all relative links for images and 
such point where they should?
