
I have an image file which is a map of the local area.  I want to put symbols on the 
map at various points, but I first need to get the php image function to work.
My site has imaging enabled and I can create graphs from scratch, but this has stumped 
me so far.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


code? below:

$image=imagecreate(400,400);  // created image

                                        // source image info
$imageinfo = getimagesize($source); 
$source_00=0;                   //  origin (0,0)
$image_00=0;                   //  origin (0,0)

imagecopy($image,$source, $image_00, $image_00, $source_00, $source_00, $source_width, 
$source_height);              / / this is line 36.

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /www/ 
on line 36

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