ok, had a look through the archives but couldn't find anything, so I'm 
sorry if I'm asking questions answered long ago.
basically i'm trying to install imlib2 as a module for php rather than 
compiled into it as that was giving errors.

when I run phpize, I get this:

root@snipe:/home/gaz/imlib# phpize
aclocal: macro `AC_ADD_LIBPATH' defined in acinclude.m4 but never used
aclocal: macro `AC_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH' defined in acinclude.m4 but never 
aclocal: macro `AC_ADD_LIBRARY' defined in acinclude.m4 but never used
aclocal: macro `AC_ADD_INCLUDE' defined in acinclude.m4 but never used
autoheader: config.h.in is unchanged
You should update your `aclocal.m4' by running aclocal.

so then I run aclocal which gives me basically the same:

root@snipe:/home/gaz/imlib# aclocal
aclocal: macro `AC_ADD_LIBPATH' defined in acinclude.m4 but never used
aclocal: macro `AC_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH' defined in acinclude.m4 but never 
aclocal: macro `AC_ADD_LIBRARY' defined in acinclude.m4 but never used
aclocal: macro `AC_ADD_INCLUDE' defined in acinclude.m4 but never used

Now it will actually let me ./configure --with-imlib=shared;make;make 
install; but whenever I try to use the module I get the following:

warning: invalid library (maybe not a PHP library) 'imlib.so' in 
/home/gaz/public_html/upload.php on line 6

which suggests to me that although make worked, it didn't work right 
because of this aclocal stuff.

anybody any ideas on how to fix this?

btw, this is on a i386 slackware 8.0 box, automake 1.4, autoconf 2.5 (as 
i'm thinking it could be down to one of these atm)

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