Re: [PHP] mySQL Query - comparing multiple values with one field

2001-08-21 Thread David Robley

On Wed, 22 Aug 2001 16:21, Niklas Lampén wrote:
> What I need to do is to compare if one field matches a value from a
> huge list of values.
> Do I need to query like
> "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE '%value1%' || field LIKE
> '%value2%'" or can I do it something like this
> "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE ('%value1%' || '%value2%')"?
> Niklas Lampén

The first will work. If you are doing exact comparisons, the mysql 
comparison operator IN may prove useful.

David Robley  Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

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[PHP] mySQL Query - comparing multiple values with one field

2001-08-21 Thread Niklas Lampén

What I need to do is to compare if one field matches a value from a huge
list of values.

Do I need to query like
"SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE '%value1%' || field LIKE '%value2%'"
or can I do it something like this
"SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE ('%value1%' || '%value2%')"?

Niklas Lampén