Hey all.  I do most of my coding on win98 before
uploading it to my web host running linux.  
I'm running the windows versions of 
I'm using the cgi version of php.
I also run the personal firewall software, zone alarm.
When zone alarm is running it slows php/mysql down 
so much that the script usually times out.  
I have given these programs the permissions that they
need in zone alarm.  
Zone alarm doesn't keep them from running, 
it just makes them really slow.
It doesn't run slow unless I query the mysql DB from a
php page.
Php in and of itself is not slow, just when used in
conjunction with mysql.
Also, when I use mysql from the command line it
doesn't seem to be slow. 

I know this isn't necessarily a php issue, but thought
maybe some of you 
may have run into a problem like this before and would
know a remedy.

Any help appreciated.


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