Re: [PHP] php - page flow issue...

2010-03-14 Thread Rene Veerman
sounds like you want to build an ajax site with global config settings
per subpart(=functionality) for each browser-client.

if it got it right your other requirements are;
- you have run-time config/state settings per subpart instance that
other subparts' instances need to access.
- you want to be able to load subparts within subparts on the site,
also with varying configs.

so i'd say you need a $_SESSION['config'] = array (array()).

if you need to store your config, put it in a mysql db with, single table, fields: userID (varchar(250)),
sessionStartDate (datetime), [more fields], config (text).
$sql = 'insert into config (userID,config) values
$q=$adoDBconn->execute($sql); if ($q!==false) { echo 'config updated.'

don't bother to make a sql datamodel for the config until it's old and
rusted, or you'll waste much time updating it when your app evolves.

anyways, all subparts need a unique name.
and all instances of any subpart also need an (autogenerated via
random-string / start-date-time) ID/name.
an instance is a running copy of a subpart, with it's own $localConfig.

and all variables in a config for a subpart need to get short yet
descriptive, standarized names. without a prefix.
this is to allow "superglobals" to be overriden by "more local config settings".

$_SESSION['config'] = array (
  'subparts' => array (
 'subPart1Name' => array (
'global' => array ( /* all browser-specific variables for
subPart1Name, "global" level */ ),
  'instances' => array (
'subPart1Name_instance1-ID' => array ( /* all overridden settings
for subPart1Name used in subPart1InstanceID */)
  'currentSiteLayout' => array(
'topLevel' => array (
  'subPart1Name_instance1-ID' => array(),
  'subPart5Name_instance2-ID' => array(
 'children' => array (
'subPart8Name_instance1-ID' => array()
Because this allows for much flexibility, that also means it can get messy.
Be careful not to put paradoxes in such a config array.
Or sensitive data.

But it does allow for saving all runtime config settings for any
number of apps on a web desktop, with any number of child-apps per

You need a way to load these subparts without loading too much code.
Let's put the "front-end for a subpart" in a script filename &
function-name that can be called polymorphically.
$subpartIncludeFile = HD_ROOT.'php/subpart_'.$subPartName.'.php';
And lets give each such script at least a function named
'loadHTML_subpart_'.$subPartName ($configArray);
This function should return the HTML needed for the subpart given a
possible $configArray, and this function should call CMS-level
functions to query &/ update the $_SESSION['config'] aswell.

And let's make a single script to load a div with a subpart, to be
called from javascript;
obviously this will include only the relevant $subpartIncludeFile =

Centralize your CMS/MVC logic in a single (or a few) require_once()
script(s) and require_once() them at the top of index.php (and at the
top of /php/subpart_xyz.php);

Your index.php can put out HTML that uses ajax at all times to load
subparts, or it can push all required html for a page out in 1 go.
Afterall, it has access to the (stored) $_SESSION['config'], and can
load and run the subparts like the ajax script /php/loadSubpart.php
The latter is better imo because it saves some overhead.

As for the javascript end, i recommend to simplify all ajax handling.
Their docs are quite good too.
You'll at least need to build a javascript function
loadSubpart(divID_string, subpartName_string, configOverride_array).

Best to put all your CMS' js functions in a single js object from the
start, to keep the namespace clean.
For an example of how to set something like that up, have a look at (site may be
offline for hours sometimes, check "htmlmicroscope" via google and use
the googlecode link to get a copy)

If you need the entire config on the js end (security risks!) then use
json_encode to transfer between php and js. JS has no native
json_encode, but there are several good ones for free on

good luck :)

On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 5:53 PM, bruce  wrote:
> hi.
> got a situation for a potential page that i'm playing with. i'm trying
> to figure out how to implement it, and the best/good approach to this.
> i'm actually considering integrating this kind of process within a cms
> (joomla/mambo/cmsms/etc..) but right now, this is in the initia
> thought stage...
> if you have a thought/page that i can lok at that's actually
> implementing this kind of flow.. i'd really like to see it..
> so, here goes...
> ==

[PHP] php - page flow issue...

2010-03-14 Thread bruce

got a situation for a potential page that i'm playing with. i'm trying
to figure out how to implement it, and the best/good approach to this.
i'm actually considering integrating this kind of process within a cms
(joomla/mambo/cmsms/etc..) but right now, this is in the initia
thought stage...

if you have a thought/page that i can lok at that's actually
implementing this kind of flow.. i'd really like to see it..

so, here goes...


--need to figure out a way to have the user invoke an action on the
top section of
 a page, and have that action, trigger an action on a separate part of the page


i have a page that looks something like this:


 initial navbar stuff (always shown on the page)

   stateList (select/option)

based on the user
 selected state {
   based on the user{  < based on
the selected state
   user state   {
  "cancelBTN"  "submitBTN"



i need to have a way to have the user select a "state" from the
 statelist, and to then have the tbl/section of the site under
 the "cat" form, generated, based on the selected state.

at the same time, i need a way to have the user select an item
 from the "dog" tbl, and to have the user select the
 cancelBTN/submitBTN, with the app then generating the
 subsequent action/logic. the page below, is a kind of
 example of what i'm thinking of...


 initial navbar stuff (always shown on the page)

   stateList (select/option)

based on the user
 selected state, and the cat1.submitBTN

  confirmation section
   based on the user selection from page1/cat1{ <<<
based on the previous
   cancel/submitBTN   {

  "cancelBTN"  "submitBTN"



i can see a couple of ways of accomplishing this...

1) i can have a page of logic, that is composed of a bunch of
 logic, that is basically an "if block", that generates/displays
 the different parts of the page, based on the user actions of
 the preceding pages/sections (the cancel/submitBTNs). this approach
 would essentially require the entire page to be regenerated with
 each BTN selection.

 the logic would generate/invoke the correct page elements based
 on the user selection/action of the previous page/section.

2) i could possibly utilize div/frames, to allow the content in
 the targeted div/frame to be updated/redrawn/regenerated based
 on the user action/selection of the previous page/section...

 this might be able to be done (not familiar with the
 underlying processes to know if this is doable/suitable)
 or even a goof approach..

 would this apaproach still require the entire page to be
 redrawn? or just the portion that's in the targeted

3) somehow invoke javascript/ajax function/features/logic,
 to allow the actions/interaction to occur, such that the
 content in the targeted div/frame is modified, without
 requiring the rest of the page to be modified...

 i have no idea if this is doable, or what this would mean,
 or involve, or how to apprach this..

or, there might be a different way of accomplishing this
 that i haven't even thought of...

any example sites/docs/code would be greatly appreciated...
heck, i'd even be glad to see an actual site/code that
demonstrates how this can/might/should be implemented!!!



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