well, if you're using default session handling provided with php, users
sessions are stored in /tmp directory (also used by default for temporary
caching of uploaded files). assume to have the php.ini file with default

session.gc_probability = 1
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440

this means garbage collector lauched 1 times every 100 started sessions.
furthermore, deletable sessions are those ones opened 1440 seconds ago (24

well, i've doing some tries asking web server the following by wget command,
(but i suppose you can use also a sockopen or CURL (!) functions...):

HEAD /test_session.php HTTP/1.0

where /test_session.php simply starts a session with "session_start()"
function. every single request create a session file in the /tmp server
directory. if someone find out how to do many simultanious requests could
create so many files in the /tmp dir (while the garbage clean them only after
24 minutes).

we know that linux filesystem is limited to 64K files per directory. this could
create problems...

obviously there are some kind of solutions...
- play with session.gc_* php settings in order to prevent problems (but i
can't be sure that's a good idea...)
- provide a different session storage than the default one. in this case, you
have only two other solutions: mm and database storage. i prefer to store
sessions in a database, because with mm this could generate worse problems
with memory usage...

but i mean... there are so many php developers that uses php with default
settings (for example: newbies that uses phpnuke or other php content manager
"session based")...

about sessions i've found:
seen Tobias around? :-)

bye, alberto.

ps: well, i work with session since not long time, so can be i made a

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