
I use this code :
$myarray= array();
session_register ("myarray");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
$myarray[$i][0] = $row->ID;
$myarray[$i][1] = $row->NOM;
$myarray[$i][2] = $row->PRENOM;
$i = $i + 1;

for($i=0; $i<sizeof($myarray);$i++){ ?>
<a href="index.php?argumenthere=test&id=<?php  echo($myarray[$i][0]); ?
>"><?php echo($myarray[$i][2]); ?></a>
<?php }

That's work. But when I add an <a href="...."> to call an another page 
(at the end of this) and in this another page I use axactly the same for 
loop than in the previous code

for($i=0; $i<sizeof($myarray);$i++){ ?>
<a href="index.php?argumenthere=test&id=<?php  echo($myarray[$i][0]); ?
>"><?php echo($myarray[$i][2]); ?></a>
<?php } ?>

I receive the error :
Notice: Undefined variable: myarray in ....

I solved the problem, I did that :
- register_globals = On
- use session_start(); on the top of the second page too

Is it normal ?


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