Hi folks,
Linux, PHP3

I have the following problem:
I have an object, which creates a form, wherein there are selects, which
names accord to values in the database.

But I didnīt get it to have a variable var, Iīm sure itīs just a small 
thing, but I cannot see it
Any suggestions ?
TIA Oliver

echo '<form name="g94" action="'.$to_go.'" method="get">';
// Already tried post, no difference
echo '<table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">';
    while($da=$MKA -> getDbAns()) // This gives back an array named $da 
while there are answers


//  $da[1] contains "abc" the var  $xwert will be "abc" 

// now Iīd like to see the value of $abc but thereīs nothing in

       echo '<tr><td> '.$$xwert.'</td><td>';

// set the new select named "abc"
       echo '<select name="'.$da[1].'">';

// forget the rest, just for understanding what while does
       for($i=0; $i < 11 ; $i++)
          if(isset($$da[1])) // just for testing
             echo "<option selected >".$i."</option>";
             echo "<option>".$i."</option>";
       } // end for
       echo '</select>';
       echo '</td>';
       echo '<td>'.$da[1].'</td>';
       echo '<td>'.$da[2].'</td>';
       echo '<td align="right">'.$da[3].' EUR</td>';
       echo '</tr>';
    } // end while
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<br><br><input type="submit" value="CalC !">';
    echo "</form>";

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