Re: [PHP] Problems with header()

2005-06-18 Thread Martín Marqués
El Sáb 18 Jun 2005 01:38, Tom Rogers escribió:
> Here is a script I use to send pdfs which also handles caching
> information. It may just be you are missing the content-length header?

> header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
> header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
> header("Content-type: application/pdf");
> header("Content-Length: $len");
> readfile($filename);

Excelent! The Content-length did it. The only thing I don't understand is that 
whenever I put the header("Accept-Ranges: bytes") it stops sending the PDF 
file. I comment out that line and everything works like a charme.

Thank you!

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Centro de Telematica  |  DBA, Programador, Administrador
 Universidad Nacional
  del Litoral

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Re: [PHP] Problems with header()

2005-06-17 Thread Tom Rogers

Saturday, June 18, 2005, 7:55:10 AM, you wrote:
MM> I have to send a PDF file after a submit on a form. The PDF is well created,
MM> and I'm sending it to the client with this:

MM> $fpdfName = "/tmp/" . session_id() . ".pdf";

MM> // Vamos a mandar el PDF
MM> header('Content-type: application/pdf');
MM> // El archivo se va a llamar libreDeuda.pdf
MM> header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="libreDeuda' . 
MM> // El PDF fuente va a ser $ftexName.
MM> readfile($fpdfName);

MM> The problem is that the PDF file that is sent is corrupted for acroread 
MM> reads it like a charme), because, after the end of file (%%EOF) of PDF there
MM> is an HTML page add to the file.

MM> Is there anyway I can solve this? Is the sintaxis I used for sending a file
MM> correct?

Here is a script I use to send pdfs which also handles caching
information. It may just be you are missing the content-length header?
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RE: [PHP] Problems with header

2002-12-06 Thread Charles Bronson
It looks like your trying to do something before redirecting the user.
Try the below near the end of your script so everything completes before
redirecting them.

Echo ";

-Original Message-
From: Carlos Alberto Pinto Hurtado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 3:31 PM
Subject: [PHP] Problems with header

I'm use 


but the answer is

Warning Cannont add header information - headers already send by (output
started at G:\Intranet\common\mail.php:36) in
G:\Intranet\common\mail.php on line 37

Carlos Alberto Pinto Hurtado
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Re: [PHP] Problems with header

2002-12-06 Thread Stephen
Plainly put, you've already sent headers. Wheather it be an  tag, a
plain character, or just a space. Check line 37 and see what it is...

- Original Message -
From: "Carlos Alberto Pinto Hurtado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 3:31 PM
Subject: [PHP] Problems with header

I'm use


but the answer is

Warning Cannont add header information - headers already send by (output
started at G:\Intranet\common\mail.php:36) in G:\Intranet\common\mail.php on
line 37

Carlos Alberto Pinto Hurtado
(57 1) 2322181
(57 1) 2324698
Movil.(57 3) 310 6184251

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