Thanks Kyle, got it working like a treat :) for some reason it wasn't
selecting the DB but it is now :D

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kyle Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2002 10:05 AM
> Subject: [PHP] Re: deleting a record.
> > <?
> > // get the list of resellers from the db
> > $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM resellers ORDER BY id");
> >
> > // print all records in the DB
> > while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($res)){
> > echo "<tr><td><div align='center'><font
> > class=\"content\">".$myrow['id']."</font></div>
> </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td><div
> > align='justify'><font
> > class=\"content\">".$myrow['company']."</font></div></td>";
> >     printf("<td><font class='content'><a
> >
> href=\"%s?op=resellers&id=%s&delete=yes\">(DELETE)</a></font></td></tr>",
> > $PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"]);
> > }?>
> There's an easier way to display this. It should make your life
> easier...made mine.
> Take a look:
> <?
> // get the list of resellers from the db
> $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM resellers ORDER BY id");
> // print all records in the DB
> while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($res)): ?>
> <tr><td><div align='center'>
> <font class="content"><?=$myrow['id']?></font>
> </div></td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>
> <div align='justify'><font class="content">
> <?=$myrow['company']?></font></div></td><td><font class="content">
> <a href="<?=$PHP_SELF?>?op=resellers&id=<?=$myrow['id']?>&delete=yes">
> (DELETE)</a></font></td></tr>
> <? endwhile; ?>
> > now when I click on delete it just reloads the page and doesn't
> delete the
> > record. I have this code before anything else on the page to handle the
> > delete...
> >
> > if($delete){
> > $res= mysql_query("DELETE FROM resellers WHERE id=$id");
> > header("Location: admin2.php?op=resellers");
> > }
> What you should do here is check to see if $res is failing, simply by
> doing the following:
> if(!$res) echo "error";
> Then, place an 'exit;' after the header(...) command to see if the
> $delete variable is actually being passed.
> --
> Kyle Gibson
> admin(at)
> --
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