any takers on this, before I give up and drop to curl for those types of


>Creating a quick script where we can poll the services on a particular
>server to
>verify if they are running or not.  this will be included in a larger scope
>application once the details are worked out.
>Am having a problem getting results from queries to web server ports though.
>Port 80(std), 8080(FP), and 443(SSL) either timeout without returning any
>results, or error with some of the other attempts at illiciting a response that
>we have tried (like specifying ssl:// prior to the hostname).
>Code and two smaple outputs below. Thoughts?
<!-- begin socket.php -->
# get form submitted host
$portstring=array("Testing SSH:<br>\n","Testing TELNET:<br>\n","Testing
FTP:<br>\n","Testing HTTP:<br>\n","Testing HTTPS:<br>\n","Testing
SMTP:<br>\n","Testing POP3:<br>\n","Testing IMAP:<br>\n");
$portput=array("","","","GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n","GET /
HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n","","","");
        $fp = fsockopen($portprepend[$i].$host, $port[$i], $errno, $errstr,5);
        if (!$fp){
            $result=$portstring[$i]."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Error($errno): $errstr<br>\n";
        # see if we have to nudge for a response
                        fputs ($fp, $portput[$i]);
        #       get the response
                $result.= fgets($fp,1024);
                fclose ($fp);
        echo $result;
<!--  end  socket.php -->

<!-- begin sample output with "tcp://" for 80 and "ssl://" for 443 -->
12:20:13-Testing SSH:
   SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.5p1 FreeBSD-20030201
12:20:13-Testing TELNET:
   Error(61): Connection refused
12:20:13-Testing FTP:
   220 FTP server (Version 6.00LS) ready.
12:20:13-Testing HTTP:
12:20:13-Testing HTTPS:
12:20:13-Testing SMTP:
   220 ESMTP
12:20:13-Testing POP3:
   Error(61): Connection refused
12:20:13-Testing IMAP:
   Error(61): Connection refused
<!--  end  sample output with "tcp://" for 80 and "ssl://" for 443 -->

<!-- begin sample output with "" for 80 and "" for 443 -->
12:21:44-Testing SSH:
   SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.5p1 FreeBSD-20030201
12:21:44-Testing TELNET:
   Error(61): Connection refused
12:21:44-Testing FTP:
   220 FTP server (Version 6.00LS) ready.
12:21:44-Testing HTTP:

12:26:46-Testing HTTPS:

12:31:47-Testing SMTP:
   220 ESMTP
12:31:47-Testing POP3:
   Error(61): Connection refused
12:31:47-Testing IMAP:
   Error(61): Connection refused
<!--  end  sample output with "" for 80 and "" for 443 -->

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