More info in case this helps:

I tried taking out the transparencies and changing the $this->trans to
$this->black and I'm still getting a solid line of the wrong color green
(the correct green is in a different place, so it's obvious this is wrong).
Do you think that if I included the picture as a .bmp it would help?

-----Original Message-----
From: Leotta, Natalie (NCI/IMS) 
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 10:41 AM
Subject: [PHP] using transparent images in a style

Hi.  I'm trying to make lines based on dots and dashes and I need the colors
in the middle to be transparent.  This is all done within a class, that's
why there are "$this->"s all over.
$t = ImageColorAllocate($this->im,1,1,1);          
$this->trans = ImageColorTransparent($this->im,$t);
$this->style =
ImageSetStyle($this->im, $this->style); 
//these are all defined and it is drawing the line, just not doing the
dthPoint+(($indexend)*$this->xscale)),  $endy,  IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
I got this code out of the manual and I also tried using
IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT instead of $this->trans in the style array.  
Not only do I not get any form of a dotted or dashed line (I added all those
transparents so I could see openings in the line) but the line color changed
from a tealish green to a sick green.  I'm using ImageCreate instead of
Has anyone run into similar problems?  Thanks!

Natalie S. Leotta
Information Management Services, Inc.
(301) 680-9770


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