>I use phpMyAdmin which enables me to take dump of
>mySQL Table Data into Comma Seperated Values file
>Now, i have to create such a program that accomplishes
>this, without using phpMyAdmin. Can someone guide me
>to this procedure..

Since PHP has a fget_csv function (or something like that) odds are pretty
good it can write CSV as well.

If not, and *IF* you can do tab-delimited instead (*MUCH* easier) and just
as easy to suck in on the other end, you can do:

  require 'connect.inc';
  $query = "select * from mytable";
  $rows = mysql_query($query, $connection) or error_log(mysql_error());
  while ($row = msyql_fetch_row($rows)){
    $tab_delimited = implode("\t", $row);
    echo $tab_delimited, "\n"; // Or you can write to a file, or whatever.

If you *MUST* use CSV, not tab-delimited, I *THINK* this will work:

  require 'connect.inc';
  $query = 'select * from mytable';
  $rows = mysql_query($query, $connection) or error_log(mysql_error());
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rows)){
    while (list(,$value) = $row){
      if (strstr($value, ',') || strstr($value, '"')){
        $value = str_replace('"', '""', $value);
        $value = str_replace(',', '",', $value);
        $value = "\"$value\"";
        $output_row[] = $value;
      echo implode(',', $output_row), "\n";

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