On Monday 03 January 2011,
Mike <i...@snappymail.ca> wrote:

> I'm trying to design a powerful plugin system that doesn't require any
> (or extremely little) modification to my existing large code base. Hook
> based systems unfortunately don't seem to meet this requirement.

  OK, that is a design problem...

> Is something like this possible in PHP?
> //Magic function I made up, similar to __call(),
> //only it replaces "new $class" with its own return value.
> function __instantiate( $class, $args ) {
>     $plugin_class = $class.'Plugin';
>     if ( file_exists( 'plugins/'.$plugin_class.'.php' ) {
>         $obj = new $plugin_class($args);
>         return $obj;
>     } else {
>         return new $class($args);
>     }
> }
> class MainClass {
>     function doSomething( $args ) {
>         echo "MainClass doSomething() called...\n";
>     }
> }
> class MainClassPlugin extends MainClass {
>     function doSomething( $args ) {
>         echo "MainClassPlugin doSomething() called...\n";
>         //Modify arguments if necessary
>         echo "MainClassPlugin modifying arguments...\n";
>         $retval = parent::doSomething( $args );
>         //Modify function output, or anything else required
>         echo "MainClassPlugin post filter...\n";
>         return $retval;
>     }
> }
> $main_class = new MainClass();
> $main_class->doSomething( 'foo' );
> Results:
> MainClassPlugin doSomething() called...
> MainClassPlugin modifying arguments...
> MainClass doSomething() called...
> MainClassPlugin post filter...
> I realize PHP doesn't have this magical "__instantiate" function, but
> does it have any similar mechanism that would work to automatically
> load alternate classes, or have a class dynamically overload
> itself during runtime?

  Well, you can do this using abstract classes and interfaces. Also
you must try the autoloader:


  Probably this will help you a lot.

Best regards,
Daniel Molina Wegener <dmw [at] coder [dot] cl>
System Programmer & Web Developer
Phone: +56 (2) 979-0277 | Blog: http://coder.cl/

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