Hi Chad,

You can follow my example at:

Hope this helps.
Jeremy Brand

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On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, the following spilled from the mind of Angerer, Chad:

> Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 11:13:47 -0500
> From: "Angerer, Chad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [PHP] GD help
> I am having some problems generating images with GD.  I am using GD 1.6.2
> and trying to create a .png image.  I know it works.  I have created just a
> generic graphic without trying to put variables into it and am hoping
> someone can help me on this one.  Here is some code snippet
> // here is my gd.php file to create the image
> <?
> Header ( "Content-Type: image/png" );
> $im  =  ImageCreate ( 10,  200 );
> $red  =  ImageColorAllocate ( $im,  255,  0,  0 );
> $white  =  ImageColorAllocate ( $im ,  255,  255,  255 );
> $blue  =  ImageColorAllocate ( $im ,  0 ,  0 ,  255 );
> $gray  =  ImageColorAllocate ( $im , 0xC0, 0xC0 , 0xC0 );
> ImageFill ( $im , 0 , 0 , $gray );
> ImageFilledRectangle ( $im , 0 ,$bluehg, 3, 200, $blue );
> ImageFilledRectangle ( $im , 6, $redhg, 10, 200, $red );
> // write the image
> ImagePNG( $im );
> // clean up the mess
> ImageDestroy($im);
> ?>
> // here is the function that I use to determine the attributes of the image
> // create a function to call gd.php
> function graphic($blueval, $redval)
> {
>       $pctrd = round($blueval*100, 1);
>       $pctbl = round($redval*100, 1);
>       $blueval = ($blueval * 200);
>       $redval = ($redval * 200);
>       echo "<table>
>                                       <tr>
>                                               <td
> align=\"center\">$pctbl%</td>
>                                               <td><img
> src=\"gd.php?bluehg=$blueval&redhg=$redval\" height=\"100\" /></td>
>                                               <td
> align=\"center\">$pctrd</td>
>                                       </tr>
>                               </table>";
> }
> On the page I get a broken image.  If I view the source I see the image is
> being called with params.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Chad

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