I don't know if this is it, but you may:

1. Replace
print("    returnwin=window.opener.navigate(urlLoc);\n");
print("    window.opener.location='urlLoc';\n");

2. Try opening the pop-up widow with Netscape allowing the location input box to
appear, click on "Close e Update" and, if it doesn't work, type "javascript:" in
the location bow -- then check for errors reported by Netscape. 9 cases out of
10, if you solve the problem with Netscape, Konqueror will work as well.

Please let me know of your progress - I'm curious what the problem is.


Carlos Fernando Scheidecker Antunes wrote:

> Hello all!
> I've wrote to scripts that use Javascript too. The idea is to have a parent
> window teste_popup.php4 and a child window pop.php4. When a link is clicked
> on the parent window, the child window will open. After the user enters
> information on the child window he must close it and that will update the
> parent window.possibility to me.

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