Chian Hsieh wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to use tail command to tail the file by popen and trigger the
> function signal() by every 3 secs.
> Here is my example code:
> declare(ticks = 1);
> // Unreachable function
> function signal($signal) {
>   echo "SIGALRM\n";
>   pcntl_alarm(3);
> }
> pcntl_signal(SIGALRM, "signal");
> pcntl_alarm(3);
> $fpcmd = popen("tail -f my.log", 'r');
> while (!feof($fpcmd)) {
>    $line = fgets($fpcmd);
>    echo $line;
> }
> Unfortunately, the signal() function is never reached.
> Why ? Could someone help me ?
> Thanks for your help.
> - Arron

What version of PHP are you running?


I found this at the bottom of the declare page.

The encoding declare value is ignored in PHP 5.3 unless php is compiled with

Also, doesn't look like you are using the "register_tick_function()" function.

Is it required?  Not sure, but their examples show its usage.

Jim Lucas

A: Maybe because some people are too annoyed by top-posting.
Q: Why do I not get an answer to my question(s)?
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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