Why don't you try sessions? They make this sort of thing easy by 
letting you store all the data in $form and making it available on 
subsequent requests to this or other scripts.



>I currently have a form that calls a PHP script when submit is 
>pressed.  Within the PHP script, I wish to call a custom 
>confirmation screen.  I do so by issuing the following command:
>Header("Location: " . $form["redirect"]);
>Now, I wanted my form variables passed from the PHP script to my 
>HTML document so I wrote a function within the form that adds the 
>variable names and values to the URL by urlencoing them like such:
>$output = "?";
>$output .= urlencode($key) . "=" . urlencode(stripslashes($val)) . "&";
>returning the above in a variable $vars, I call my redirect as such:
>Header("Location: " . $form["redirect"] . $vars);
>If I am not mistaken, this is synonymous with an HTTP GET?
>Here is my problem; the above fails with a large form, i.e., a form 
>containing many fields.  A bit of investigation has determined that 
>there is a 1Kb limit on the total size of a request (URL+params) and 
>I have one form that must be exceeding the limit.
>Question: Is there a way to emulate my above scheme via an HTTP POST 
>as POST has no limit?  Alternatively, is there another way to pass 
>variables from a PHP script to a HTML form where I won't run into 
>this limit?

Jim Musil
Multimedia Programmer

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