Try looking for javascript solutions. Give them the default 5 and a javascript
function that prints out another input variable and dynamically names it. Then
you can just normally post at the end. i don't think the javascript is difficult
either, and i'm sure you could find a script for it. check and google.


Chris Bailey wrote:

> I have a page that is for a little recipe database app.  On the page where
> you enter your recipe, there is a set of form fields for ingredients - one
> line per ingredient, and a couple of fields per (e.g. amount, measurement,
> ingredient).
> I'd like to have say 5-10 ingredient lines in the form by default, but put
> an "Add More" button next to the last one that will let the user say add 5
> more ingredient lines to the form.  How can I do this?
> The problem for me is that I figure I'd want the Add More button to either
> do a POST to the same page (and add a parameter indicating the number of
> ingredient lines to use or something like that), but that the standard form
> Submit/Add Recipe button would go to a different PHP page that actually
> inserted the recipe into the database.  But, this requires two forms and
> thus I'd lose the recipe's form variables when hitting one or the other of
> the buttons.
> I've looked around online for solutions to this, but haven't found any.  Can
> someone point me in the right direction?
> ____
> Chris Bailey        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Code Intensity
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