At 11:37 2001-09-21 -0700, Alawi Albaity wrote:
>I have a table ..
>this table have 20 record..
>I want to view this record in the 4 pages (5 record by

The following should get you going in the right direction.  As shown, this 
works on PHP3 as well as PHP4:

         $mytable = array( .... );

         $pagesize = 5 ; // records per page
         $tablesize = count( $mytable );
         $tablestart = 0 ;

         if ( isset( $pageindex ) )
                 // url to this page was specified with an offset
                 $tablestart = ($pageindex -1 ) * $pagesize ;
                 $pageindex = 1 ;

         if ( ( $tablestart > $tablesize ) || ( $tablestart < 0 ) )
                 // something is wrong - visitor probably screwing with their
                 // URL.  You could display an error -- or just reset to page 1
                 $pageindex = 1;
                 $tablestart = 0;

         // some function to print your table from the defined startpoint 
to the
         // number of elements to print, checking for possible array 
         // within this range (i.e. if the array doesn't fall on an exact
         // pagesize boundary, there may not be a full table here).
         // yup, YOU get to do some of your own work - your question was how to
         // deal with putting the data on separate pages, not how to 
display it.
         displaymytable( $mytable, $tablestart, $pagesize )

         // emit "previous" and "next" links (or you might display a whole
         // range of direct page links).

         if ( $pageindex > 1 )
                 print( '<a href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?pageindex=' );
                 print( $pageindex - 1 . '">Prev</A>');

         if ( ( $tablestart + $pagesize ) < $tablesize )
                 print( '<a href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?pageindex=' );
                 print( $pageindex + 1 . '">Next</A>');

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  Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
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