> Firstly.... When Imlib2 is compiled into PHP, how do I know (like should
> there be an entry in phpinfo() )

Of course.  For an example see http://conf.php.net/info.php

> Secondly.... Whats the easiest way people have installed imlib2 into PHP.
> Im trying the way the (very small) INSTALL file says that comes with
> php_imlib but doesnt seem to want to make it work.

Yes, there is something funky with that extension lately.  I haven't quite
figured out why the shared library version of the extension stopped
working.  Works fine as a static extension though.

Just copy the imlib directory into php4/ext and in the php4/ directory run
./buildconf.  You will need the appropriate versions of autoconf, automake
and libtool installed.  Then add --with-imlib to your ./configure flags
and if you Imlib2 library is installed correctly it should just work.


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